Roadmap to re-authentication Office365 with Okta

This article describes the roadmap to take for a re-authentication of Office365 with Okta. It is important to do this task before 15 September, in order to use Okta with provisioning in the correct way. 


Before starting the re-authentication, please inform your co-workers about it and execute the steps on a time outside office hours. Users will be prompted to login again after re-authentication to use their office apps. 


The first step is to collect your admin credentials for Okta and for Microsoft. Once you collected them, you can start the roadmap. Please navigate to the admin portal in Okta and navigate to Applications -> Applications. Then type in the Office 365 app with provisioning enabled and navigate to Provisioning -> Integration


Scherm­afbeelding 2023-08-19 om 19.52.47.png


Even though the green check mark is already visible, re-authentication is still necessary. 


Caution: the re-authentication needs to be done with the credentials which are given in the application. In this step you need the admin credentials from the account.


Scherm­afbeelding 2023-08-19 om 19.54.38.png


Click on "Edit and "Re-authenticate with Microsoft Office 365". You will be forwarded to Microsoft where you need to login with the admin credentials. After logging in you will see this field, depending on your given language, this field is in Dutch:


Scherm­afbeelding 2023-08-19 om 19.59.38.png

Click below on "Accept" and return to the Office365 app in Okta. Click on "Test API Credentials". The re-authentication is completed when two green check marks are visible, which you see below:


Scherm­afbeelding 2023-08-19 om 20.01.56.png


Click on "Save" and you're all done!


Note: If you forgot the admin password for Office365 you can reset the password in the Microsoft tenant. Please do not forget to fill in the correct password in the Admin Password field and then hit "Test API Credentials".


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